Suvar Christmas Letter 2019

For the last 8 years we have taken the money that we would have used to pay for Christmas cards, pictures, and postage and put that money towards supporting a mission organization. We've given to a few different places: World Vision to buy a goat and a few chickens, and even a cow for a family in poverty, Lifesong for Orphans to help buy tin roofs for single mothers' homes in Zambia, and Voice of the Martyrs to send Christmas gifts and bring encouragement to our fellow Christian brothers and sisters who live under persecution in the 10/40 window. We aren't telling you all this so that the light can shine on us. Rather, we share this with you so that others may see the Light that inspires us to give of ourselves. We can only give because He first gave to us. "Let your light shine before others that they may see your good works and glorify YOUR FATHER in heaven." Summary of Matthew 5:16 As my friend Carey says, "Our arro...