Intentional Series: Money



Show me your back account and I'll show you your heart.

"Every person’s checkbook is a theological document. It tells you who and what they worship." -Billy Graham

Show me your back account and I'll show you your heart.

"Every person’s checkbook is a theological document. It tells you who and what they worship." -Billy Graham

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." - Jesus

Said in different ways, but all pointing back to the same idea.  We can talk about what is important to us, but what we truly care about - our money follows quickly after.

This week's topic of money always seems like such a tricky topic to broach. It can be a sensitive thing to discuss, each person in a different financial state than the other.

But regardless of the state of your checkbook, this one thing remains.  We put our money where our priorities are.

In America, we have the luxury of disposable income. We are just about at the top of the list for the amount of disposable income per person.  Though it may not feel like you have anything extra, no doubt you could cut something ‘extra’ out of your monthly budget if you really needed to. (Netflix, anyone?!)

I’m not here to call any person out for their Hulu consumption, or their need for a latte every day, or their drive to get a new pair of shoes every month.

What I am aiming to do is to ask you to pause for a moment and take inventory of your last month of spending.  How much of it was intentional?

Intentionally paying bills (good for you!)  Intentionally giving (yay!) Intentionally spending…. (Target foils again.)

As you take inventory of what your spending habits have been, think of ways that you could improve it. To be more intentional with what you spend.

Intentionally avoiding the store you know you will impulse buy in.  Intentionally look for companies that give back, or pass on their profits to help others, doubling your impact on your purchase.  Create a grocery list and stick to it.  Intentionally give to a charity organization the amount of money you would have spent on a pair of shoes that you didn’t really need.

This week, as we take inventory and look to spend more intentionally, may it also transform or heart. That we would be less focused on what the money can do for us and more about how we can help others with what we have been given. A truly intentional way to use our money.

With Intention,


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