Intentional Series: Thoughts



Each time, as I sit to type up this weekly bit on intention, I come with a bit of hesitancy.  Who am I to tell you anything about intention? Who am I to speak into your life? There are so many things going on in each person's life. I feel inadequate to type something that could even possible reach each person where they are.

I am inadequate.

But I serve a God who is not.  So each week as I approach this writing with hesitancy, I also come boldly to my God, and ask that He speaks through me. My prayer is that the person who needs to read this this week, reads it. And for those that it falls a bit short, I pray you extend me grace and come back next week.

Since this week is on thoughts, I thought that a great place to start would be with a few thoughts of my own, so there you are. A peek into this introverted, bent for perfectionism, realist mind.

This past week, my daughter had a memory verse for school that stuck with me and I thought is was ideal for this topic.

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. Romans 8:18 

Perspective. One definition of it is: a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view

No doubt each one of us can testify to something in this life that is just. the. pits.

An injustice. A cancer diagnosis. A sick child. Accidents. Wars. Conflicts.

You get the picture.

These horrible things in our lives can cause us to lose perspective. Our point of view can be from a temporal perspective, instead of an eternal one.

See, dear friend, when we shift our focus to eternal over temporal, it doesn't make the dreadful things disappear, but it puts them in perspective.

Our present sufferings are NOTHING compared to glory that is waiting for us in heaven.

NOTHING.  It would be like comparing an ant to the size of the sun.  Now that seems almost silly.

There is no comparison.

I do not say this to belittle your pain. Because your pain may be very large and real in your life.

This week, let's shift our focus. Each time we start down the road of despair, let's turn from temporal and put our thoughts on eternal. It won't take the awful situation away, but I pray that you would feel a bit of the lifting of the weight of temporary and feel the joy of the hope of eternity on the horizon.

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