Intentional Series: Health



We all like the idea of being healthy.

More energy. Less aches and pains.

But the reality is, that we are part of a passing world.  Every thing on this earth is passing away in one degree or another. And if things are not intentionally maintained, it can deteriorate even faster.

Science has come a long way in finding out how to make us live longer, healthier lives.  And it seems there are endless avenues to take to get to that healthy destination.

But one thing all these avenues seem to have in common: what you put into your body matters.

And choosing the right things to put into your body doesn't always come easily. We are prone to eat what what tastes good, what makes us feel good. What is convenient and easy.

There are healthy things that fit all those parameters, believe it or not. But there are also just as many unhealthy things that fit into those categories, too.

I am by far nowhere close to being an expert on healthy eating. Seeking out a licensed dietician would be your best bet. But, I have found something in the last several months that has helped me start each day with intentionally fueling my body for the day ahead.

About 6 months ago I came across the idea of having a smoothie for breakfast. Not all that groundbreaking, I know. I had heard of smoothies for breakfast before, but this one took an approach I hadn't heard of.

A smoothie with low sugar/carb index to keep the body from having a sugar crash mid morning.  Instead, you have 4 components:


There are all sorts of expensive foods you can use in those categories. but I had to find something that was sustaining as well as wallet-friendly.  So, I've settled on:

Green - fresh or frozen spinach, celery
Protein - Protein powder (with no sugar added) Aldi has a decent one for a decent price
Fiber - 1 TB chia seeds or ground flax (again, Aldi for the win)
Fat - a scoop of peanut butter

Blend it with milk or the non-dairy alternative of your choice along with a few cubes of ice.

Now, the reason I spent an entire email on this topic? Because when I intentionally make myself this for breakfast - at 7AM - I am not hungry AT ALL until well past noon.  It has helped give me sustained energy and has kept me from morning snacking (sorry, break-room doughnut) for the last 6 months.

Now, for you, it may not be a smoothie.  It may be cutting your soda consumption in half. It may be adding fruits and vegetables into your daily meals.  Maybe it's choosing to plan ahead and make a crock pot meal instead of opting for fast food....again.

Whatever it is for you, make it intentional. We become what we put in our bodies - healthy or unhealthy. So it's up to us to make the intentional choice to make the right choice.

With Intention,


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