Intentional Series: Time


No matter your age, weight, gender, social class, or anything else that we humans choose to divide ourselves into, there is one thing that we all have the same amount of every single day.


24 hours.

We all have the same amount of it, but somehow we think we have less than others, and therefore think ours is more important.  We often live like our time is more precious and can hoard it and use it for ourselves. But, what we then choose to fill that time up with is far from sacred.

I'm not pointing fingers. Except back at me. This was really the main reason I took on this challenge of an intentional year.

Because I was seeing that was something that can slip so easily from our time...the intentionality of it.

Electronics, screens, apps. They all seem to be pulling us away with being intentional with the time we are given.

I'm not bashing them as a whole, because they are tools that can be used for good. But are we using this as tools to a better end? Or are they controlling us?

When you hear a notification go off, how quickly are you abandoning whatever you are doing to go check what it is?  When you are in a face to face conversation with someone, where is your phone? In your hand? Face up on the table?
When you have a spare moment, are you reaching for your phone to scroll?

These bits of time, time that seems insignificant in themselves, but added up equal quite a bit of time, ends up being wasted and not to any positive end.  What if, instead, we put the device away, focused on the conversation at hand completely? What if the next time we found ourselves waiting, instead of reaching for our phone, we reached out to God? Spent a few moments talking to Him instead?

I will have more to say on Intentional time in the future, but for now, let's focus on the little bits.  This week, let's look for bits of time that we are habitually wasting, thinking that it doesn't really matter. Let's look at them as time that can be redeemed. Time that can be put to a positive instead of a mindless end.

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