Intentional Series: Home


It can take on so many names.

Sanctuary, castle, dwelling, landing place, residence, abode, hideout, hangout, digs, shelter, address.

My guess is that each one of those words brought a different image or feeling to mind. And some of those you would never have thought to call your home.

If your word isn't on that list, what word would you use to call it by another name?

In order to get where you are going, you have to have a plan, a goal, and you kinda need to know your destination.  It may change along the way, but you need to start with a destination to even know which direction to begin.

I'm drawing the parallel between that and having an idea of what you want your home to be.  It doesn't just happen. To set up your home to be _________ (fill in the blank), then you need to start out with a goal, a destination.  I'm not saying it may not change along the way, but you need to at least have a place to start.

About a year ago I began hosting monthly art nights in my home.  I'm not a great artist, and I really don't know a whole lot of mediums of art, but I desired to do more of it and I knew it wouldn't happen unless I made time for it.  I also knew that I needed to move out of my comfort zone of introvert-ness.  Our home was more like a hideout and less of a hangout.  I want our home to be a place where our kids want to bring their friends. And I knew if we wanted to go in that direction, then we needed to model that for our kids.

So, Mission + Art nights were born.  Anyone and everyone is welcome. Art is played with, missions are advocated for, sweet conversation is had, and a little skincare for the fun of it is thrown in (hand massage anyone?)

It's not exactly how I pictured it at the beginning, but my hope is that it continues to grow into our home being an intentional landing place for others. A place where anyone can feel welcomed, and most importantly, everyone who enters encounters Jesus in some way.

We can create the feeling of our home by how we decorate, the type of furniture we choose. the paint colors and the lighting.  But just as important, what are we DOing with our homes?  How can we be more intentional with this gift of Home that we have been given?

This week, think on the word that would be synonymous with 'home' for you.  Is this a word that describes your home now, or where you would like it to be someday?  If it's now, what can you intentionally do to keep in going in that direction? If it's someday, what things can you set in place now to make your home that way in the future?

With Intention,


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