Intentional Series: Money


Even those who have plenty of it are looking for ways to obtain more of it.

Even those are are content with what they have can struggle with the pull to want more in the bank.

It's the number one thing that can pull our hearts away from God. It's the number one thing that couples fight about. It's the thing that causes people to lie awake at night, drives them to do illegal things, pulls content people to discontent.

Not money in itself. Money is a tool.

But the love of it. The love of money. The love of gaining more and more of it. The love of hoarding it and placing our safety and security in the amount that we have.

It's a trap we can all fall into, in one form or another.

But there is a way to combat this greed, this power that money can have over us. It's simple, but it's not always easy.

Give. It. Away.

I'm not talking about a dollar here or there. Though, it might have to start there.

I'm talking about something radical. Giving an amount big enough that you can almost physically feel the pinch.

The average American gives 3.7% of their annual income.

Find an organization that you can get behind. Someplace that is doing good, working to make this world a better place. Check out their spending habits, to make sure your gift will help, and not just go to admin fees.

Find a local family that is in need and help them out.

Sponsor a child through a reputable Child Sponsorship organization. A simple Google search will hook you up.

Now, before you think I'm tossing out the challenge without doing it myself, I want to put your mind at ease.

Over 5 years ago our family decided to start giving radically. Not the average 3.7% stated above, but an ever increasing amount. Our goal is 50% of our income....we're currently up to 33%.

And no, we are not CEO's or millionaires. We are a teacher and a secretary. Believe me when I say, the giving pinches.

But we have found release from the grip that the pursuit of money can bring. We have found joy in giving of ourselves to help another. And we have found that God comes through every time to provide for us because we were willing to provide for another.

I don't tell you any of this to brag or to bring glory on ourselves. That is not my intent. I tell you this to show that it can be done. And that there is great blessing when we hold our money just a little bit more loosely.

This week, look for a way to give a bit of your money away. It doesn't have to be 33%, but it can be a bit more than you feel comfortable giving.

Be intentional with your money, with your giving.  And then see how God shows up.

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