Intentional Series: The Home



When we talked about creating an intentional home last time, we discussed coming up with words to describe your home, and then being intentional in helping it become just that.

To help it seem more doable, let's break it up into rooms. Let's start in the bedroom, because, well, I enjoy naps.

You know that feeling when you walk into a hotel room, like, a really nice hotel room?  Everything is in order, the bed is made and looks so comfy, the curtains are letting in a beautiful, filtered light. It's quiet, and you have that feel of relief as you know you have arrived at your destination.

That is what I am intentionally going after when I think of my bedroom.

There is so much out there demanding our attention, so much chaos and noise. A place of calm is much needed.

And with the bedroom being a place of rest, this is a great space to play out that word: calm.

For my bedroom, it looks like cleared off surfaces, no piles of laundry, no corners being used as storage. Soft lighting and art on the walls that speaks to things that calm. Not a lot of distractions.

Kind of like a really nice hotel room.

Your word can be very different. It could be that the thought of your room being like a hotel turns you off completely. Totally fine.

What you need to do is decide what you want your room to convey, and then intentionally set out to make it that.

This is not your invitation to go out a buy a whole new bedroom. I want to challenge you to work with what you have. There is actually freedom in limitation.

Decide on your word. Next, take inventory of your room and remove anything that does not go with your intention.  Then, shop your home. Find something in the home that could be put to better use in your bedroom. Look through storage, you may find that long lost thing that would be perfect. (Oh, and if you share a room, please, please get couple input before doing anything drastic!)

This whole topic may seem a bit surface level after going over some deeper subjects of the intention. But, this is the room where we begin and end our day. The last space we see when we close our eyes and the first one we see when we open them. A great place to begin as we work through our homes to make them a home filled with intention.

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