Intentional Series: Time



Breaks. Something we can all appreciate.

Though, for some of us, it may be harder to take than others. For myself, resting is difficult.  My personality doesn't feel like I can truly rest until all. of. the. things. are done.

I have a running list in my head of what needs to get done and I have to fight against the voice telling me I cannot rest until everything is done and in it's place. This can be exhausting, and something, the chance for a break completely passes me by.

Or, maybe you are cut from a different cloth. You are always looking for the next break, the next fun thing, something to help you escape the reality that you are in.

Or, you are one that the phrase "an object that stays at rest, remains at rest" Once you start taking that break, it can be hard to get going again.

None of these personality "pulls" is terribly wrong in it's own right. But each one has something that we need to fight against, something that we can't just throw up our hands and claim "this is the way I am."

Rest is a good thing. It can restore the body, soul, mind.

But too much of a break, too many breaks, or none at all, can be detrimental.

We are in the start of Spring Break in our house. With the week lying ahead I want to be intentional with the time. Unfortunately, for me, it would involve completing a long list of things and resting very little.  I need to be intentional to redeem my time for getting stuff done, and allowing rest to be one of those things.

This week. as we look to be intentional with our time, let's take inventory with how intentional we are with our breaks. Whether it's being intentional in actually taking that break, being aware that we are chasing the next break instead of being present in real life, or if we need to be intentional with the amount of time that we rest and moving on from the rest to the next thing that needs done.

May we each find that moment of rest this week. And in the resting, find restoration, that we may make best use of the time we are given.

With Intention,


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