March Lookback

It makes me kinda sad that I've fallen off with posting my monthly lookbacks. Now that I don't have any for the last several months (eep! maybe a year!?) I'm realizing how much I enjoy having these to look back through and remember where we were, how we've grown, and what things we continue to have to work on.

So, instead of sitting here beating myself up, which I am prone to do, I will choose instead to just start again.  And here we are with March 2019.

It was the month of basketball if there ever was one. Between College March Madness, Owen's basketball practice and games, and our high school winning (WINNING!) the State Championship, the whole month felt like it revolved around b-ball. Like true Hoosiers.

Quite a few other things were done in the midst of it and we all looked forward to the end of the month where Spring Break was patiently waiting for us.

There are days I'm digging my heels in, trying to slow down time, and others I just want to see the end of. Regardless, trying to remember to keep this prayer on my lips, "teach us to number our days, and help us to make the days count."

Meeting new friends for coffee.

First sign of Spring for me: when the sun is at the right spot to shine through this door in the morning. Something so peaceful and hopeful and promising about these sunbeams.

 School skating party. I almost choked up when I saw this pic. They look way older than they should. I'm blaming it on the skates making them taller...

 With Owen and Hannah at sports practices, Maddie has had a lot of time alone at home. She wanted to paint one day and she caught me in a good moment and I let her loose on this bench.

 We stood in line for a little over an hour to get into Winter Jam. Totally worth the wait, though my ears were ringing for quite a bit afterwards.....

 And believe it or not....this one fell asleep!

 We traveling North and South to follow the Blackhawk Braves on their quest for the Basketball State Championship.  It ended in Indianapolis with a Championship win!!

 I've been hosting a month Mission+Art night in our home for the last year.  A time of fellowship, art, mission advocacy, and skincare.  March's evening was spent learning how to do fauxligraphy.

 Influenza B hit our home, but thankfully only one went down. Hannah was home for 3 days with all the symptoms. Thankfully, I'm able to work both of my jobs from home while also playing nurse.

 I knew she was better when she started playing 'school'  So, we went on a walk to get fresh air and then cheerfully sent her off to school the next day.

 Proud of this girl reading a 6th grade level book in 3rd grade. I was a challenge, but she got it done!

 All the limbs that came down from the ice storms in the winter made for a fun pile to play on in March.

 More basketball....this time it was the 6th grade version.

 My dad turned 70 in March and we all surprised him by showing up a the restaurant where he thought he would just be eating with mom.

We ended the month at Pokagon State Park with the start of Spring Break. It didn't look very Spring-y but we were able to hike and that was good enough for me! And the kids got to swim and that was good enough for them.


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