
Showing posts from October, 2010

Gateway Girls

Back in March a picture was taken of the six baby girls who were born to houseparents at Gateway all within an 8 month time span. It's 7 months later and we did another 'photo shoot.' The last time Maddie was 1 month old and slept through the whole thing. This time we were contending with 6 girls who could crawl or walk and wanted to eat the leaves :) But a sprinkling of cheerios and tossing leaves helped us get a few good shots. Thanks to Stef Beer for taking the pictures.

Whew! We did it!

All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. So I run with purpose in every step. I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. I Corinthians 9:25-27 So the race we had been training since April for finally came and went. Paul and I ran the Columbus Marathon (he the full, me the half) this past weekend. The kids stayed with the grandparents (thank you!) and we headed down to Columbus to take a shot at reaching our desired goals. We had gorgeous running weather. The race started at 7:30, just before the sunrise hit downtown, with a cool, crisp high 40's morning. By the end of the race it was mid 60's and sunny. Paul started our morning with a prayer and verse (can you guess which one?) and I was reminded of it as I was running later that morning. Training for a big race has quite the correlation of running the race of life spiritually speaking. Both take d

Happy Birthday, Owen!

Four years ago today, Owen made his very quick arrival into this world by a (surprise!) c-section in the early hours of the morning. Today he delights us with his morning smile, asking for his daily oatmeal (yes, he eats oatmeal every morning...he loves it :) He moves through the day constantly asking questions, and having a remarkable ability to remember every answer. He has a sensitive heart that often leads him to hurt when others hurt. Our sweet Owen, 4 years old! We love you, Owen, and we are so glad that God chose us to love you and raise you up to know Him. Happy Birthday!