Happy Birthday, Owen!

Five years ago today I became a mommy. A whole new adventure as many of you can relate to.

Today we celebrated Owen turning 5 years old. He has waited SOOO long for this day. I think he has been talking about turning 5 for at least 6 months. We were so glad to have both sets of grandparents and my brother Sam be able to join us for supper and cake afterwards.

Altogether there were 16 of us around the dinner table.

I've been having this thought rolling around in my head lately about these teenagers that we serve here at Gateway. Sometimes I get stuck in the thought that this is my job and that my actual life occurs on the 9 days off I have each month. But I've been reconsidering what my life really consists of.

I believe that living at Gateway IS my life. Whew. I said it. That sounds kinda big.

But I believe that my family life currently consists of 3 toddlers and 5 teenagers and a wonderful husband. When I start looking at these kids as more than 'residents' something shifts inside me. I see them as part of my family and not some interruption in my life between my days off. My days on duty go a little more smoothly and my days off are more of a breather, because, you know, we all need those once in awhile.

I say all that to bring it back to Owen and his birthday. We celebrated Owen's birthday with our family, some of those who are related to us by blood, and some of those who are linked to us in other ways, but family nonetheless. Owen was thrilled that we were on duty for his birthday because he wanted the big kids to be there for it - which just made my heart smile.

Happy Birthday, my sweet, sensitive Owen. You are such a thoughtful young man who looks out for others, gets his heart hurt easily, and has a mechanical mind talent that is beyond me. We love you, Owen, and we pray each day that you grow to desire Jesus and your life may bring him glory.


  1. neat realization, Nichole.

    I love your cake, wow, that was a lot of work, but it looks like it was appreciated!

  2. Nichole, it is so great that you are seeing this while you are still at GW! I have some regrets about working at GW and this is one of them. A lot of times I had the same thoughts that you talked about--GW was my job, and my real life was on our days off. GW is blessed to have you and Paul--you are doing a great job! Happy Birthday to Owen!


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