Being led into the trial

So, many of you may be familiar with the story of how God parted the Red Sea so that the Israelites could cross on dry land and escape the Egyptians who were coming after them?

If you are familiar with it, bear with me as a paint the scene:
1 million-plus Israelites are pretty much shoved out of Egypt after God delivers His final blow to the stubborn Pharaoh. They start on their walk through the dessert, being led by a large cloud by day and pillar of fire at night, God's presence ever before them. Where ever He went....they followed.

They followed Him right up to the shores of the Red Sea. There they camped for a few nights and then hear the reports that the Egyptians changed their mind, they want their slaves back, and they are coming for them.

The Israelites panic, questioning why God would lead them to the shore of a sea, only to get captured.

Answer: to show them His power.

God had a plan, a way to rescue His people.

He uses Moses, who lifts his staff, and the sea parts. The Israelites cross on the sea bottom, on dry land, to the other side. Safe.

So, I haven't always been great with geography, really knowing where things were located in Biblical times, but as I was doing this lesson with my 3rd and 4th grade Sunday School class recently, we were looking at the map of the course that the Israelites took out of Egypt. I always pictured that the Israelites had no choice but to cross the Red Sea, that the only way to get through the dessert was to get on the other side of water.

But then I looked at the map.

They could have avoided the whole debacle if they had just walked a tad bit more to the North.

But they followed God, and God led them to a place where all hope seemed lost. Why didn't he lead them around the sea in the first place? Why did He bring them to this point?

Answer: to show them His power.

I love how often the Old Testament reflects what is happening in our own lives today.

Have you followed God right where He led you? Has He brought you to a point where it feels like there really is no way out? Nearly certain failure? Why? Isn't it supposed to be all green grass and roses when we follow where He leads?

Nope. Not biblical. Look it up.

He promised to be with us, to see up through, but you will have trouble.

But that's OK. Because THIS life is not the end.

Your plan of what you thought God was leading you into didn't work out how you thought?  The Israelites thought they were in the clear, headed for the Promise Land, too.

But God wasn't done refining them. And He's not done with you yet either.

And be ready. He may be just about to show you His power.


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