
I went with the 2 kids the other day to visit Amanda and Reid at their house. This was the first time that the kids were together (first cousins for the first time... : ) Anyways, we tried to get a picture of the 3 of them together (so grandma can put them all in the same frame : ) However, in order to do that we had to place them rather far apart since Hannah flails her arms around constantly when on her back (like a turtle on it's back) and Owen can hardly lay still for an instant. We didn't want to lay them too close to Reid and either have Hannah smack him in the face or Owen roll over on top of him. So, the picture is a bit awkward, but, hey, they are all in the same picture! : ) Reid in over 5 lbs now and is eating around 2 to 2.5 oz of milk every 3 hours or so. I think he goes a little longer at night, maybe 4 hours. But since he is mostly bottle feeds, Chet gets to help with the night feedings - lucky Chet, lucky Amanda! Reid had an eye doctor appointment today and he came away with a good report. Looks like the bleeding that was behind the eye has stopped and he doesn't need to have another checkup for a year or so. The doctor said with preemies they are more likely to have lazy eyes or need for glasses. But all in all Reid is doing great. Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers in that department.


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