Dr. Suess and football

This past weekend we got to keep my cousin Tonia and her 2 girls overnight with us. Amanda had a baby shower on Saturday that they came down for. Saturday morning as we were getting ready Tonia's youngest, Abigail, was reading a Dr. Suess book to Hannah - I thought the moment was so cute I had to get a picture of it. Hannah just watched her the whole time. The other picture is of Tonia's other daughter, Rachel, with Owen. Just as Owen was getting warmed up to them and having a good time, we had to leave for the shower : )

Then in the evening, Paul's parents and his brother and his wife came over for supper around our fire pit. Owen played a little football with Uncle Sam and supervised the game of 'cornhole.' It was a perfect evening for a campfire. And of course Owen had a great time -he got to be outside and run around and play in the dirt : )


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