Keep praying

I was up to see Reid again last night and there is nothing new to report at this point. Which I consider to be good news. There is no bad news, so no news is good news. He just continues to fight for his life, trying to figure out whole to breathe on his own, and how his body is supposed to work this early in life. I talked to Amanda for a little bit, and she said right now she feels like she is just floating, this whole thing is so surreal. The reality hasn't really sunk in yet. Please continue to keep them all in your prayers in the days ahead. Thank you to all who left comments, I'm sure Amanda and Chet appreciate reading them and knowing there is family out there thinking of them and praying for them - keep it up! : )

Now, a picture I have wanted to post for a week or so, and just haven't. Hannah is able to prop herself up on her elbows when she's on her stomach. She is starting to talk and coo and it is so fun starting to see a personality emerge : )


  1. way to go Hannah!!
    love you bunches!
    Grandma Karen

  2. Cute!!! She looks kind of like Max here...he's started doing the same things. :) What a little peanut she is!



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