I'm an Aunt!

Amanda had her baby this morning (around 3 AM) and 9 weeks early! They had a little boy and named him Reid Arthur. He's 2 lb 5 oz and 16 inches long. Amanda's labor was hard and fast - they were still in the ER when he was born. He had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck twice but that was quickly removed and he just started screaming. So that in itself is very good news. They had him at Van Wert hospital but he was moved to Dupont in Ft Wayne since they have a NICU. Amanda went home late morning and they are both heading up to Dupont this afternoon. I am hoping that we can make it up there this evening and if I am able to get a picture, I will post it here ASAP. Amanda said he is doing really well considering the circumstances. He was given surfactant for his lungs and he is on O2 to keep his oxygen levels up, but other than that, he is breathing on his own. Please pray for continual good news and the healthy development of Reid. I will post more later when I know more...


  1. All of my children know and are praying for little Reid. I'm thankful Amanda is feeling up to going to Ft.Wayne, but you can't keep a mother from her cub! no matter how the mother feels!!!!
    Sending our love to all, prayers and God's blessings---
    Love to all,
    Aunt Kathy

  2. Let Chet and Amanda know that we are praying for them and for Reid. Also send our love and congratulations!

    Greg & Mary & Max


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