Hog Roast

At the beginning of August, Paul's parents had a hog roast and invited friends and family. Here are a few pictures from the day. I had to take this picture of Owen because he is playing with this little girl, Bailey, and they are both sharing. Now, Owen is 22 months and Bailey is just over 2, so you can understand how big of an even this is, the fact that they are sharing and not fighting and no one had to tell them to share in the first place (this was a very proud moment for mommy). And I had to post a picture of the grandma's playing corn-hole : ) We had an absolutely gorgeous day for the hog roast and the baby shower for my sister in law. Everyone could be outside and there was no oppressive humidity to make everyone sluggish. Good food, great company, beautiful day - couldn't ask for more! : )
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