Nephew Status

We all went up to see Amanda, Chet, and Reid this evening. Only 2 people are allowed in the room at a time and one has to be a parent, so the visiting was slow going. They just finished constructing the NICU at Dupont less than 3 months ago and it is wonderful. Every baby has their own room with a couch and recliner for the parents. Amanda and Chet are hanging in there - easily overwhelmed, which can be understood. The pictures just do not do Reid justice as to how small he truly is. The one picture is of Amanda's hand and his. Right now he can be touched only occasionally and only by the parents and staff at the hospital and only with gloves on. No holding until probably a week from now. Reid will sometimes stop breathing but they have the oxygen on full time to keep him going. His heart rate will also drop - when I was in there it went from the normal 150 down to 75 - which sent the nurses running. Mom got to see them change his diaper - those diapers are so incredibly small, I don't think they would fit a doll even. So, he has oxygen tubes in his nose, and IV in his arm, heart rate monitor patches on his chest, a nasogastrotube down his throat, a pulsoxometer on his foot, and another patch on his chest to measure his breathing. The equipment probably weighs more than him. At any rate, that is as much as I know now. I encourage anyone who reads this to leave a comment so Amanda and Chet can come to it and read all your well-wishes and prayers. Thank you for all the prayers that have already been said on their behalf. I will keep this post updated as I know more.


  1. Nichole,

    Thanks for the updates! We are leaving for Rend Lake today for the annual Kaiser weekend, so if there is anything we need to know please call us!

    Chet & Amanda -
    Thinking of you continually!! My brother and I were both early ( I weighed 3 lbs 12 oz)so I've seen pictures of tiny babies before, but I'm still amazed at how small Reid is, yet how perfect. Our prayers are with you.
    Michael & Carmen

  2. Dear Chet, Amanda, and little Reid,
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you. I cried when I saw the pictures..I've been trying to imsagine what 2.5#s looks like as a baby and I can't. A bag of flour is too big, a 2# bag of confectioners sugar is a little small. And 16 inches, this guy is going to be,he still had 9 weeks to go!
    We pray for grace, courage, and strength in the days and even months ahead. We love you and keep you close to our hearts.

  3. Nichole,

    So glad you had pics to share!

    Chet & Amanda & Reid,

    Praying for all of you! The pics made me cry. I know you wish you could fix this for him (I know I wish I could fix this for him), but it's just the beginning of parenthood. There are just some things we can only watch and pray.

    Love you!

  4. Dear Chet and Amanda, We are praying for all of you. we know how excited you were about this baby. We have two miracle babies in Bay City who are now nearly 2 and 5 years. They were smaller than Reid when they were born, but you would never know the struggle they had in starting their lives. May God bless little Reid with the same great care so that he can bless your lives.

    Love, Uncle Derrell and Aunt Sue

  5. We will be praying for Reid that he will grow stronger daily and come home to Mom & Dad soon. May his life be a glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Jim & Jill Hitz


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