Stache Dache, Dodgeball, and Campfires

This past weekend had been in the works for awhile.  Last year Paul and his two brothers and I ran the Fort 4 Fitness 10K race.  It turned into a great family weekend so we planned on doing it again this year.  Well, many things began to come together and pretty soon the weekend was filled with Little League, The 10K Stache Dache (or Fort 4 Fitness for everyone else), a Northern Indiana Dodgeball Tournament, a local Art Festival, campfire, and birthday celebrations.

All the Suvars converged on our domain Friday night, hanging out and relaxing, and shooting a few defenseless LEGO men as well.

Saturday morning before sun came up we headed downtown for our personally name Stache Dache.  The 3 Suvar boys grew mustaches and I threw on a wax one for a picture(thanks, Kat!) before the race.  Unfortunately, Ben is fighting some injuries so he had to sit this one out.  But the 'stache made its appearance anyway!

After the race we headed over to cheer on Sam, Paul, and his buddies as they competed in a dodgeball tournament.  Despite losing their very first game, they went on to win the rest and won the tournament!

 Iceman, Mr. T, Dr. Dray, The Boss, PS1, and The Other Suvar

 In the afternoon us girls escaped to enjoy a local art festival.  We wrapped up the evening with a campfire dinner and celebrations of Alayna turning 6 and Owen turning 8 (yikes!).

It was a whirlwind of a weekend, but fun none the less.

Can we do it again next year, please?


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