September Lookback

Ah, September, you begin to whisper of the Autumn that is coming and I love it.  You toss in a few hot, humid days to throw me off, but I know that fall is right around the corner.

I love your routine, September.  School has started and we start to find our groove.

You give us a nice mix of sunrises and sunsets that are stop-and-stare worthy.

We are thankful for the ups and downs you brought us this month.  Every day can't be stellar, we know that.

Because if we didn't have those dreary days, we sure wouldn't appreciate those sunshiny days quite as much.

I stand a bit shell-shocked at how fast you went.  Here we are beginning our first full week of October! 

Perhaps because we filled you with lesson plans, a new teaching job, grading tests, baseball, races, campouts, and family-filled evenings.

And no doubt your friend October is going to come and go just as quick (well, he at least gives us one more day than you...)

At any rate, September, you were a good one.


Maddie's first day of preschool.  She was so ready.  Didn't even look back.

Steffen Campout.  Had to have been the hottest, most humid day of the whole year.  Thankful for air-conditioning and plenty of floor space to spread out the sleeping bags!

Owen and Hannah trying their hand out at some Little League Baseball 

Training for the race in October.  This one is for you, Largents!

Several chances to practice hospitality.

Having the cousins in for the weekend.  Love.

Thankful for the extra upstairs room for all the kids to crash in.

Seriously.  These boys and their dodgeball skills.

Rounding out the month with some running, dodgeballing, art-show going, bonfire making, birthday celebrating weekend!
Photo courtesy of Action Sports Images, LLC


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