on Owen being 8

 Tonight I sit in this chair and cry.

I have this funny ache that I've had before, it comes and goes.

And tonight it is coming back again.

You see, I just downloaded this picture off my camera.

A picture that I took yesterday and didn't have a chance to look at until just now as it popped up on my computer screen:

This boy.

It happened so fast.

It wasn't too long ago that I was cuddling this:

And now here we are 8 years later.

For some reason 8 just seems like the cusp of something different.

Feels like we are taking a step away from little boy into big boy into young man.

I may be jumping the gun.  I know I (hopefully) still have a decade left of him being here at home.

But if the first 8 year went this fast, what will the remaining 10 be like?

Owen.  As your dad and I looked back over your newborn pictures tonight, we commented that we just want you to LOVE JESUS.

You're going to mess up.  That's not to get you down.  That's just reality.

But love Jesus.  Through the ups and downs, seek Him, and what He wants.

You are a son of the King.  You live in His Kingdom.  Seek to serve the King.

If we can't teach you anything else in the remaining 10 years that we have with you here under our roof, then I pray that the one thing you can walk away with confidence knowing is that Truth.

You are loved.  By us.  By God.  By your Savior.

You have been claimed.  Paid for.  Redeemed.

Now go walk in that Way and do not depart from it.

Happy 8th Birthday, Owen!  We love you and are so glad we have been given the privilege of raising you up as a son of the King.


  1. Amen! I'm praying with you for Owen too! And goodness gracious, I hear you on how fast they are growing. It literally sometimes makes me sick to my stomach. Ugh.

  2. Owen was so cute yesterday, jumping up on the bench in sunday school to be sung too : )

    I love how you write notes to your kids on your blog...I think it's something T & I would like to start. M


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