May Lookback

 At this point in my life, May is seen as the last month of glorious, wonderful, freedom filled, school days.  Summer doesn't hold the same sparkle as I would hope.  Thankfully, as in my last post, God has encouraged me with His word and I am going into this summer a bit more at peace than perhaps the last 4 summers we have spent at Gateway ('bout time I figured it out, huh?)  Still, we tried to make the most of the family-time mornings and beautiful sunshine early afternoons.  Life is full, and we are blessed.

Bring on summer.
 Lunches at Cypress House, usually leftovers, sometimes with smiles
 The Wiegands leave for Zambia in August.  This month they headed to Colorado for training.  This was our 'practice goodbye.'  Not as many tears as will most certainly be in August.
 Hannah graduates from Preschool! and a halfway decent pic of us five - score!
 Really enjoying a fudge pop
 Field day at Gateway.  So glad Margo and her kiddos could join us!

 Pedicures on the Patio...and Highlights to keep them entertained


  1. I love these all these pictures sis! Looks like you are had a great month of May :) Miss you!

    Love, Shell


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