April Lookback

 For some reason, April just flew by.  There wasn't much Spring to speak of, but it was slightly warmer (sometimes) so that we could actually be outside without a winter coat on.  I'm thankful for the season of Spring and for the awakening of Creation from the cold.  The month, for me, started out in a bit of a slump, with feelings of burn-out and melancholy.  Thankfully the Lord is faithful and He showed me through His Word of His faithfulness and goodness (more of that in another post).  Now we look forward to May and the waning weeks of school before all craziness lets out with the summer.

But for now, Happy Spring!

Kite flying

 Milkshakes for evening snack, while watching Paul play Lord of the Rings on the Wii.  The kids enjoying watching just as much as Paul enjoys playing.  It's a win-win!
 Hannah's Spring Concert at Preschool.  A lot of kids screaming and chaos reined.
 Owen wanted to try his hand (foot?) at soccer this year.  Guess you can call me a soccer mom now.
 Celebrating Hannah's birthday with the Cypress House
 Hannah's request was a Hello Kitty cake...
 and all the Grandparents came over to celebrate with us.
 Finally a warmer day where we could play outside without coats!
 Fort building - anyone else do this with a hide-a-bed?  I did as a kid and when I showed my kids, they thought I was a genius.  Score.
 An excellent birthday gift to Hannah from Maria. Make-your-own-Owls.  
Right up Hannah's craft-a-holic alley.  She promptly made all 9.
Owen's first soccer game.  He was so nervous about being with kids he didn't know.  But once they pulled out the soccer balls, he was all over it.


  1. those owl's are adorable!!! what a great idea :)

  2. those owl's are such a great idea! Love it!


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