So, a few months back I mentioned something about needing to challenge myself to try tough stuff. So, from a non-spiritual direction, I tried my hand at some handsewing. I found this craft book that had patterns for making stuffed animals. One pattern was for an elephant I decided to try my hand at. For the material I used old baby clothes of Hannah's that she had ruined with all her puking. I couldn't just throw them away so i cut up the less stained parts and used them to piece together the elephant. Here is the finished product, minus a few details that I need my mom's help instructing (french knots? blanket stitch? yikes!) Owen wants a monkey so that is next on my list. And the elephant's name? Mommy. Thanks, Hannah :)
Relationships. "Mom, can we go frisbee golfing?" In my head, my first thought is, "No, I'd rather not go out in 95 degree heat and toss a frisbee at targets for 2 hours." I'd gladly read a book in the shade, go for a hike, take a nap, or go for a cup of coffee. But frisbee golf? But, when your 14 year old asks to do something WITH you, it's best to jump on that train because you don't know when it will pass by again. So, we went frisbee golfing. And though it did end up being fun, the most joy was seeing my son doing something he enjoys and being a part of it. It's life-giving to the relationship. I see this play out big time in other areas as well when it comes to our kids. I pretty much take life seriously and don't slow down to have fun a whole lot. But setting aside my own interests, and taking up one of my child's instead, always proves fruitful. When I'm tempted to groan and maybe even sigh at the one h...
Heart. Can we talk about worth for a moment? Specifically, our own worth? Webster’s defines worth as “the level at which someone or something deserves to be valued or rated.” Now, if you are a Christ follower, we know that our worth is found in Christ alone. We know that we are sinners in need of a Savior. And that a price had to be paid for our salvation. We know that because of the shed blood of Christ we have been redeemed and can now be seen as worthy of eternal life in heaven because of what Jesus did for us. We know all this. We know our worth is not in our own actions and deeds. But it doesn’t stop us from falling into the trap of thinking that it does. A couple months back, I went to donate blood. I have Type 0 Negative blood. The universal donor. And I had been getting emails for weeks (well, really months) telling me that I needed to donate. Because any blood type can have my donation, my blood was so “desperately needed...
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