3 Months

Hannah is now 12 weeks old (3 months officially this Thursday) I attempted to take some pictures of her for her 3 month pics. These are the ones that I picked out as the final 3. Probably one of these will end up wallet sized and handed out to the grandparents : )

Hannah is now taking 2 naps a day - an hour in the AM and 2 hrs in the PM. She goes to bed at 8:30 and wakes up just before 8 in the morning. She is still spitting up all the time, but it doesn't seem to upset her as often as it did before. She has gas alot that seems to wake her up but some days are better than others.
Owen is currently working on listening and obeying (yeah, still working on that : ) and the consequences that come if he doesn't. Some days are better than others. I have a feeling this will be an unending lesson though, since his mommy is still working on it herself...


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