Made to Praise

Some days I am just at a loss of what I am really doing here in this life. Day in and day out I'm changing diapers, cleaning spitup off my shirt, making sure there's clean laundry and food on the table. Yeah, people say it's a noble calling being a mom - I'm raising the future. But isn't there more to it than that? Something more lasting, eternal?
Hebrews 13:15 says "Through Jesus Christ let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise." God didn't make us so we could go out and make the most money or have the cleanest house or do the most laundry in a 24 hour period ever. Sure, things need to get done, but God made us to glorify Him. We were made to praise Him. In all that we do, we need to glorify our Father. All that we do, we do it for Him. Knowing this, has put a different spin on my days. I'm not just raising future adults, I am here to teach my children to become instruments of praise for their Father and Saviour. Now that's a noble calling : )


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