March Lookback

March, like most of the nation, had us looking back to a year ago. Remembering the sudden halt to all schedules, the feeling of dread that gripped many, and the slowing down of life for several months. I'm thankful for the progression we have made in a year's time. Though, in many areas, there is a long way to go.

Despite the still present pandemic, some of our March was able to happen like it did in 2019. The most prevalent was the tournament season for basketball. Paul got to do the online announcing for our Boys Varsity high school Basketball team again this year which meant many nights and weekends filled up with traveling and announcing. I was thankful for the times that I was able to go along as "stats keeper."

We also saw the start of soccer and track season, celebrated Hannah and her National USATF Cross Country team as they were given awards from the Mayor, snatched an ice cream treat on an unseasonably warm Sunday, visited with Grandparents, and cheered with delight when the first sprouts of our garden started popping up.

Here's our little corner of the world in March.



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