Intentional Time


Intentional Time

It wasn’t super convenient.

I had places to be. Kids to pick up. Work to do. Dinner to make.

It didn’t really fit into my schedule.

I didn’t have time.

But she needed help. Needed someone to listen. Needed someone to take the time.

So, things were put on hold, shifted around. Time was made.

And I still got where I needed to be. The kids got picked up without disrupting any coaches schedule. Work got done and dinner was made.

Turns out I did have time.

I’m sure I am not the only one to fall into the trap of thinking that my time is the most important time. Sure, we’ll give some of our time to others….when it’s convenient for us. When it doesn’t disrupt what we already wanted to do for ourselves.

The next time you start going down that road of “Me,” stop and consider the occurrences that people stop and gave of their time for you.

Picked up a child from practice for you. Stayed on the phone with you for bit longer than normal because you needed to vent.  Stood in the parking lot way past closing to hear you out. Ran an errand you just couldn’t get to because you were so strapped. How did those things make you feel? Loved? Included?

Of the myriad things we do each day, we want something to count– not just in a quantifiable way, but in a soul-filling, joy-inducing way

Now flip that around and think how you make others feel when you take that little bit of your time and give it to them?

Let each of us look not only to our own interests, but also to the interests of others. paraphrase mine, Philippians 2:4

That verse is not an invite to meddle into other people’s lives…it is a calling to join others in their world. Care about what other people care about, not just your own stuff.

This week let’s look for ways to give our time to others. If someone asks for a favor, give it. Send a text just to let someone know you’re thinking of them. Drop a coffee off to that co-worker who you know who needs the pick-me-up. Take the time to be still and actually listen to your 8 year old describe all the great things they just built in their Minecraft world.

Let’s be intentional about our time. Not just looking to spend it how we want, but to share it with others.  I’m guessing the reward will be two-fold – for them….and you.


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