Intentional Thoughts



This past week I received some disappointing news. It was in the form of an email, letting me know that I was not selected to be a part of a class focused on preparing our manuscripts for publishers. Truth is, I kinda knew in the back of my mind that I wouldn't get picked. Thousands of people apply and less than a hundred are chosen. But still, I had a bit of hope. I know the email was a template, something sent out to all applicants who didn't get in, but the correspondence still stung. My initial reactions were “I'm not good enough.” “My whole book I've written is a failure.” “No one wants to read what I've written.” And perhaps the worst of all, “Maybe I've heard God wrong.”

 You've faced it, too. Rejection. You offer something of yourself, hoping to be accepted, and instead you are turned down. You are not invited to the party. You aren't included in the planning of an event. That potential job never calls you back. That college acceptance letter never comes. When we're faced with rejection it can be very easy to take it personally, because we've personally put ourselves out there, and claim our identity with what we're offering.

We can start believing the lies of “not good enough” and “failure” and “misheard missions.” We can believe those things because we wrap up our identity in what we do. What if, instead, we shift our identity to the One who never fails?

When we connect our identity in Christ, there is no rejection. A rejection letter may come, but instead of taking it personally and berating ourselves, we can see it through the filter of Christ working out all things for good.

It could be God is saying, “Not now. Wait.” Or, He could be pointing you in a whole new direction. It doesn't mean there won't be pain, but instead, there will be purpose along with it.

This week, let's be intentional with looking at our thinking when it comes to our identity. Is it wrapped up in what we do? Or is it connected to what Christ has already done? Where are we placing our identity first and foremost? Think about others in your life and encourage someone who is struggling with rejection, waiting, and closed doors.

If our focus is on Christ and desiring for our lives to give Him glory, then that can be done whether our plans seem to be falling into place or we're sitting on the sideline waiting.

Colossians 3:17, ESV: "And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

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