Intentional Thoughts



January 6th left me speechless, or more accurately, wordless.

I wanted to write. I felt like I needed to write. It seemed like something needed said.

But when I sat down to write, nothing came. I literally sat and stared and could not conjure up a thought.

When I come to moments like that, I see it as a sign. A sign to stop trying to communicate what I want to say and stop and listen to what God is trying to tell me.

So, instead of writing, I listened. Because I don’t want to write anything that isn’t first fed and watered by His Word and His Spirit.

That ‘wordlessness’ went on for days. Each day I’d sit down to write and…. nothing. I guess there was more listening I needed to do.

After days of listening these verses were like a cold glass of water in July, refreshing and sweet:

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. II Corinthians 4:16-18

So many great reminders wrapped up in those words! It was exactly what needed to be heard.

Friend, when hard things happen in this life, when things feel out of control and like evil is winning the day, 

Do. Not. Lose. Heart.

…We are called to be His hands and feet in this world. To take Jesus to the lost and hurting. But we can’t do that effectively if we are not feeding our thoughts with the Truth.

But how? How do we not lose heart? By renewal. Daily.

 Though our earthly bodies continue to decline, our eternal self can be renewed day by day, morning by morning, moment by moment. By the promises of His Word. Reminding us that these present afflictions are no comparison to the joy that is coming. If you find your thoughts sinking into the present, or the momentary, be purposeful with renewing your mind with the Promises of His Word.

This isn’t an invitation to check out, because there is still so much to do. The harvest is plenty! The workers are few. No, we are called to be His hands and feet in this world. To take Jesus to the lost and hurting. But we can’t do that effectively if we are not feeding our thoughts with the Truth. We need to remind ourselves daily of the glory and light that is coming so we have the power to face the dark and despondent that is waiting for us outside our door.

This week, let’s be intentional with filling our thoughts with Truth. Not some “truth” that the world is trying to feed you. Or someone’s narrative of what truth means to them. Instead, go to the Word. Let your first thoughts of the day be filled with scripture and a quiet moment with Jesus. Seek to have your thoughts renewed day by day.

And do not lose heart.


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