Intentional Home
Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. William Morris
came across this quote a few years ago and I found myself nodding in
agreement. It rings so true to what I desire for our home: practical and
useful...but also beautiful.
I'm not big on decoration just
for the sake of decorating. Objects covering surfaces overwhelms me.
Even if those objects are just there for decoration. So, my home trends
toward empty surfaces and minimal extras. Well, as much as it can be
with 3 children in the home.
I want our home to be useful: to be used as a safe place, welcoming, and comfortable. And I want it to be beautiful; and for me, less is more.
The words
you would use to describe your home are most likely totally different
words. If you could narrow it down to a couple descriptions, what words
would you use to describe what you want your home to be? Are you
taking any steps to get there or, if you have already arrived, are you
intentional in keeping it that way?
It's January, the month that
stores have their biggest uptick on purchases of all things
organization. After the drive of purchasing and materialism that
surrounds December, January floods in and so many people are thinking
through their need for all their stuff.
This isn't an article
telling you to go purge your home. If you are reading this you most
likely have your own computer or electronic device which means you also
have the means to have a whole lot of other items in your life and no
doubt every one of us has things that we could get rid of. But, instead
of telling you to go toss it all to the thrift store, I will encourage
you to take a good look at what you have, and if it is contributing to
what you want your home to be? Those couple words that came to mind
earlier, is your stuff helping or hindering in that pursuit?
challenge this week: to be intentional in pursuing your home's best
reflection of those words you thought of above. For now, pause and take
inventory. Maybe even start with one room, one surface, one drawer.
Think through how that room reflects your description words. What's
working....and what is not. And then be intentional this week on making
that spot you picked out a true reflection of you and your family, and
what you want your home to be.
I'd love to hear the words you would use to describe your home! Please share. And in what ways are you going to implement those descriptions into your living space?
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