Intentional Heart



As we start another year of intentional living, it's always best to begin with the heart.

Because from the heart flows everything else.

We may say one thing, and may even be able to 'fake' it for a time, but where our heart is, our treasure will be also. If we truly desire change and a life of intention, then our heart needs to be fixed in that direction.

We are already a few days into the new year. Perhaps a few of us have already shown some backsliding on our resolutions for 2021. It's OK! We're only on day 8 of 365. Today, this week, take a moment to focus your heart, your intent.

Something that we can focus so hard on when setting goals for ourselves is just that: ourselves.  Sure, we may say we want to do what God wants us to do, but then we charge ahead with OUR plan. May I suggest that as we look to live this year with intention, that our first step is to intentionally give this year to God?

I have plans, dreams, goals, things I want to see happen this year. But I know that if I do not have God at the center of it, it really will be all for nothing.  Sure, it may seem great if I hit a goal and see a dream come to fruition, but guaranteed it will end up feeling empty and cold and pointless without God at the center.

For this week, I challenge you to sit in quiet. (I know that may be hard to find in some of our lives, but go out and sit in your mini-van if you have to!)  Sit in quiet, breathe, and give this year to God. Ask Him to be in charge of your 2021. This may seem scary because you may feel like you are losing control. But really, you weren't in control anyways (and this is coming from a MAJOR control freak).

Really, truly, with your whole heart, give this year to God and see what He can do with it.

I have plans, dreams, goals, things I want to see happen this year. But I know that if I do not have God at the center of it, it really will be all for nothing.  Sure, it may seem great if I hit a goal and see a dream come to fruition, but guaranteed it will end up feeling empty and cold and pointless without God at the center.

For this week, I challenge you to sit in quiet. (I know that may be hard to find in some of our lives, but go out and sit in your mini-van if you have to!)  Sit in quiet, breathe, and give this year to God. Ask Him to be in charge of your 2021. This may seem scary because you may feel like you are losing control. But really, you weren't in control anyways (and this is coming from a MAJOR control freak).

Really, truly, with your whole heart, give this year to God and see what He can do with it.


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