The tricky balance of Contentment and Dreams

Grow where you are planted.

Godliness with contentment is great gain.

The art of contentment is being satisfied with what you have.

For quite some time I have struggled with trying to find the balance with being content right where I have been placed...

And being OK with the drive to not just stay where I have been placed.

How do you balance contentment with striving for dreams?  How do you accept that the grass is green on your side of the fence but know that the grass on the other side may be where you are to end up?

How do you balance striving for dreams and resting in the journey to getting there?

We live in a fast-paced society. That isn't news to anyone.  We want things to happen now, it's hard to breath easy in the wait.

But sometimes dreams that have laid dormant, it seems, in our hearts, are being worked behind the scenes and it can be years before they are realized.

How do you balance resting with the working? Because dreams do take work, they don't just happen.

To remain content with your present circumstance, but know that there is something better coming, you just have to keep at it.

This has been my struggle for the last few years. Perhaps you can relate.

I have this big dream in my heart, some of it I have put out there to the masses, but a part of it is still held close to my chest, Paul being the only one who really knows it.

Two years ago I stepped out in faith, not really knowing if this venture was going to be a teaching time of failure or blossom into fuel for my dream.

My desire to own a business that gives 100% of it's profit to world missions.  I wanted to give big, but I knew it was going to take some divine intervention to make it happen.

Now, two years later, it has grown to more than I imagined.  100% is given away. 13 missionary families are receiving funds, on 6 different continents. I am thankful and humbled every month with what we can give because of my business.

But, here is the rub.  To be content with what the business has brought about, but to strive to grow it more?

I think there will always be this struggle as long as we are on this earthly ground, because, truly, are grandest dreams will never be realized this side of heaven.

But something that can help keep this balance between contentment and drive - saying no to complacency.

It can be an easy thing to fall into. Complacency. Being OK with how things are and not really desiring change. Complacency is not the same thing as contentment. Be careful not to confuse the two.

Complacency looks at itself with smug regard, thinking itself pretty good and no need to get better.

Contentment looks at itself, feeling grateful for what it does have. Knowing there is better out there but also so very thankful for what it has today.

My business anniversary is fittingly, also the month of Thanksgiving.  Appropriate for sure. 

Because, you see, I still desire more for this business. I desire more team partners to come alongside me, funding their own dreams beside me. I desire to give more each month to world missions. But I also lift my hands in praise and thanks because this business has already grown beyond what I initially thought it could.

Do you have a dream that has been sitting dormant? Are you complacent, thinking you're good, there is no need to chase that dream? Maybe afraid of failure?  I pray you find the courage to take that leap, to pull yourself out of complacency, out of fear. And take the first step in following that dream. And find contentment that even the first step is further than you were before.


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