October Lookback

I love October.

It is my favorite month out of the year. The colors, the smells, the sounds. All of it. My favorite.

This October did not disappoint.

After a September of barely holding on, we had a few slow evening together at home to help me feel grounded. 

That being said, it was also jam packed with friends, celebrations, and all around being joyful about life.

It wasn't without bumps, don't get me wrong. But those bumps and valleys make the mountaintops and smooth road even more glorious when they finally appear. Could we really appreciate those highest highs if there wasn't a low to compare it to?

I'm still without my Canon Camera *sniff* so my Motorola phone cam had to capture it all. A bit fuzzy at times, but it still captured the memory. Thanks for walking down the lane with me.

The worship band that Paul is a part of was asked to play at an outdoor venue at the beginning of October. Rain ended up blowing in shortly before it started, but they soldiered on and we praised Jesus in the rain. Fitting, I think.

Wasn't planned, really.

We had a Saturday morning that we could meet sweet friends at the park, eat donuts, go for a walk, and catch up..

The bi-annual school skating party. Made it through another one with no major injuries...

Field trip to the pumpkin patch with 2nd graders

Celebrating Owen turning 11!

 I've never been able to really successfully make cookies....but I birthed a daughter that can. My 9 year old makes better cookies than me. And I'm OK with that.

 Grandparents Day at School

 Easily one of the most anticipated weekends of my year. Paul and I head to Columbus, the city of the start of our marriage, and run a race to raise support for Bryer's Song and Nationwide Children's Hospital.  I enjoy running, but I enjoy it even more when I can run it for others.

 Bryer's Parents. I marvel at how God makes lives intersect, long before we really realize why. This couple is one of those instances.

 Full disclosure. I tried out StitchFix. This lady, who is attempting to do a capsule wardrobe, tried out StitchFix.  In my defense, it was free for the first time. And I only kept 2 of the 5 things.  And when I kept those 2 things, I got rid of two others from my closet. So, really I'm even.....

 Random musicals and plays performed in the living room.
 Owen trying out his Cub Scout skills with starting a campfire on his own.

 One evening I really wanted to make it to a corporate event for my skincare business, but Paul was out all evening with Parent Teacher conferences and all babysitting fell through. Thankfully, I work for company that has no problem with children tagging along. Armed with Leap Pads and encyclopedias, I had 3 additional guests for the evening.

 These two gave me a tours of their houses they built.

 I had several people ask how we stick to $50 a week for groceries, so I started a few lives videos on Facebook in this past month with a few of the things I do. Feel free to find me and check them out. I'd love to hear some more money-saving ideas - I know they're out there!
 Got to spend one Saturday showing my sis-in-law with gifts and love. So excited to meet this little guy next month!

 The girls got some cousin time in at the baby shower as well
 And then a couple days later we took another road trip to meet the newest addition to the Steffen side of the family. You can say he is well loved.

 Just a rainbow that we had the luck to capture

 We didn't go out trick or treating this year but Paul had the idea for all 5 of us to dress up and have a costume contest. An elf fairy, a zoologist, and Captain America were the kids' creations. I dressed up as a pun that non of the kids understood.  But, once all the votes were counted, I ended up winning. Pretty sure those were all pity votes. 

We ended the month with Fall Break. For us it was mostly hanging out around home. The kids built forts, we played board games, and Paul caught up on more school work.

 I ended the month with meeting a friend who I have known for 2 years but only now have met her in person. We are part of the same skincare company (a huge perk to this job - meeting sweet new people!!) and she wanted to meet me in Indy to catch Jen Hatmaker and Nichole Nordeman live.  We got front row seats, signed copies of their book and CD, AND got to meet them in person.  The fact that Nichole Nordeman exclaimed: "I love your shirt!" may or may not have left me feeling high for nearly 24 hours after.


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