Running for Bryer

 If you have followed this blog for awhile you have probably heard me mention Bryer Largent.  This sweet little man lived for 11 months, but has made a huge impact with the life that he lived.

He spent most of his days in Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, fighting the battle of trying to stay alive despite the numerous health challenges facing him.

Two years ago, Bryer ended his fight and is now pain free in the arms of Jesus.

For the last 7 years Paul and I have run the Columbus 1/2 and full marathons that come around each October. 

For the last 2 we have run in memory of Bryer.

Have run in support of his parents who have continued on without their sweet baby in their arms.

And have run for all those other little kids fighting for their lives right now in Nationwide Children's Hospital, and their families battling alongside them.

And we're looking to do it again this year.

And you can be a part of it.

Paul and I are looking for friends and family to donate $5, $10, $25.

When you donate, all the money goes to the hospital and helps pay for the little things that can help brighten a little one's day.

Or their tired, bedraggle mother.

Or their exhausted father.

Click on this link and it will take you to the home page of Team Bryer's Song.  Scroll down to the bottom and you will find both Paul and I's names.  Click on each of our names and make a donation!  Below is an example of what your money will buy:

Our race is October 18th, but we would love to both hit our goal of $250 by the 1st of October!  Will you help us out? 

Warm socks, band-aids for all those needle pokes, clean diapers for little preemie baby bums.

All those sweet little lives thank you.


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