July Lookback

Well, as I stated in my previous post, July was all about the Wiegands.  As well it should be.  Rumor has it they only come around about every 2 years.

If the middle two weeks of July contained all we could get out of the missionary's furlough, then the two weeks on either end of those were filled up as well.

July always starts out, literally, with a bang.  We did our traditional Fourth of July breakfast at my parent's house as well has swimming and hanging out.  We ended the day with fireworks...of course.  We were gifted tickets to the city's Triple A baseball team game and were able to stay in our seats for the downtown fireworks as well.

Seriously, my nephew looks SO ornery in every picture I take of him.

So glad my aunt was feeling well enough for her and her husband to join us for the day as well!

Sometimes you just have to have random animal facts displayed on your kitchen stools.

We hit the zoo on a day that was a bit rainy and hardly had a crowd to contend with.

Our house is not far from a launching site for hot air balloons.  Often on nice evenings we'll see them float past.  Doesn't matter how often, it just doesn't get old.

We ended the month with a Reunion with all my Uncles, Aunts, and cousins from my mom's side of the family.  Crazy, it seems we were just little kids celebrating Christmas at Grandpa and Grandma's and now we have to set a reunion date in order to see everybody! Time keeps marching on...

My Aunt and Uncle have a great place to hosta big group.  A converted old barn and a log cabin. 
Despite the temperatures soaring into the 90's, we all found ways to stay cool, whether it was a slip 'n slide...or air conditioning.

Smoked meat, roasted corn on the cob, yard games, crossword puzzles, 
guessing games, old photos to rifle through...
not bad for a first reunion.

Of course we had to wrap it all up with a visit to Grandma.  We were hoping she could make it to the event, but she just wasn't feeling up to it.

And now we've hit August...and although the calendar says Summer is still here for another 6 weeks, the looming of school right around the corner begs to differ.

So we nod to the summer, give a grateful smile, and turn to the schedule before us.  Earlier bedtimes, math homework, planned meals, drives to school, grading papers, lesson planning, and all those other things that come along in mid-August.

Thankful to have a God that is constant.  Never changing when everything else threatens to.

So I cling to that promise as my kids get another year older, advance another grade.  As I grow a little more tired, and move a bit slower.

He was the same in July, He'll be the same in August.

He saw us through last year's crazy school year.  And He will see us through this one, too.


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