April Lookback

April seemed to go by fast.  It started off with some Spring Break, followed close by Palm Sunday, Easter on it's heels.  And suddenly we were looking at May Day. 

April was a month of lessons on trust (again?!).  Despite the future being unclear, we stepped out in faith, announcing the end of our tenure as houseparents here at Gateway Woods.  We still have another 4 weeks yet, and we're plugging away, still in it. 

April saw some completion of our "new" house.  Floors were installed, the little details completed.  Now we just need a new front window and out contractors can finally be done with us!

 April saw a couple of us another year older.  And we're both OK with that.

 I got some niece time.

And some sister time.

 And family time.

We escaped from the packing of boxes and reconstruction of houses to take in some soccer.

Thankfully the change in weather brought some increase to the temperatures (a little bit). Enough that I could pack away the snow boot finally.  Unfortunately, these will not be going into storage.  These boots made it through all 3 kiddos.  The toes are now completely blown out the top.  Paul and I had a little ceremony as we put them in the trash.... sweet memories.

And finally, Owen had a dress up day at school due to his class making a fund raising goal.  He came up with this whole outfit on his own (Paul supplied the "whip")  Can you guess who he is?


  1. glad you are seeing some progress on your new place! i think that brick wall is so pretty. did you guys whitewash it?

    we will be praying for you as you transition from gw.

  2. love the pictures of your new place - it looks so nice!!

    hopefully these last few weeks at GW are smooth and sweet. :)


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