Walking through the valley

I go through the motions.  I wake up and put my feet on the floor.  Go throughout my day with no sign of the valley that I am walking through.

Sometimes the sun breaks through.  Little kisses from Maddie.  Pictures drawn by Hannah.  Small hand of Owen in mine.  A note from a friend.  An appreciative word from Paul.

Like balm, they soothe my soul.  But sadly, so sadly, it does not last.

I've asked myself countless times, "how long do valleys last?"

Because it seems this one is a bit endless.  I can't even remember when it began.

And I have no idea when it will end.

How do you cope with the valleys?  
What do you do when you are in the middle of them?

I have hesitated for so long to type this out.  I don't want to be a downer, and I don't want to alarm anyone.

I'm in a valley.  I know I am.  And I think I have been waiting to be rescued.  To be plucked out of the middle of the valley.  Placed in the sunshine.  The dark behind me.

But, as odd as it may sound, I don't think God wants us to escape the valleys.

Sometimes he asks us to walk through them.  ALL the way through them.  Some may be short.  Some much longer.

But when you are in the midst of the valley, it's hard to see just how long it will last.

I can't look too far out in front of me.  I get disoriented, discontent, discouraged.

Perhaps that is why God tells us that His word is lamp to our feet, and a light to our path.  Lights shine out just far enough so we can see where to take the next step.

I take solace in that circle of light.  I step only where I can see.  And right now, in the middle of the valley, I step out in hope.

Hope that there is an end to valleys, there are mountaintops somewhere.

Hope that I will come out stronger.

Hope that heaven has something, a lot of things, better - waiting for me.

So today, in the midst of my tears that threaten to fall, I walk in the Light of Hope.

Rejoice in our confident hope. 
Be patient in trouble, 
and keep on praying. 
Romans 12:12


  1. Nichole, We've never met but came to your blog thru a friend's blog. Thanks for sharing that you are in a valley. Praying for you. There have been valley times in my life also. No need ignoring them or covering them up, instead we can learn as we go thru them. Love that you are walking in HOPE. God's Word gives us wonderful HOPE. In 1 Kings 19,I was greatly encouraged reading about Elijah and his time in the wilderness. He had a mountain-top experience. Later he was feeling alone, discouraged as if he was the last believer standing. God provided a place of rest where he sleep soundly, had ample water, nourishing food, lots of walking =), communion with God and future work for the kingdom. I LOVE Psalm 40:1-3. It described how I felt, reminded me of God's hand on my life and gave me HOPE for the future. It also was helpful for me to talk with a minister and a Christian counselor. I will be praying for you.

  2. thanks so much for sharing these nichole. i can relate on many levels. i appreciate your openness and honesty and praying, thankful, that He is close beside us in the valleys (ps 23) even though it doesn't always feel that way.

  3. Thanks for your openness here. I was listening to the song "movements" by Rend Collective this morning, and prayed for you & your family. Praying you can run fast & free to Jesus, & that you would know He is the movement & fight in you, and you could recognize the Lord at work in & around you. I hope this week is encouraging for you.


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