5 years of Serving at Gateway Woods

5 years ago, this is what our family looked like:

Owen 2 years, 3 months
Hannah 9 months

And we were just starting our adventure in being parents/mentors to teenagers and living at Gateway Woods.

5 years ago we said we would do this thing until Owen started Kindergarten.  Well, Owen is in 1st grade, Hannah is in Kindergarten, and Maddie is knocking on that door.  I guess God had different plans (go figure!)  

Cypress House!

We've celebrated birthdays

Added another child to the family

Spent holidays on campus, missing family

Decorating Turkeys at Thanksgiving

Staying up until midnight, ringing in 2012

Making Christmas cards to send to family

Lived 5 very long summers

 Laughed with the funny things kids came up with

Fish funerals

I do NOT miss the golf cart

Cheered on the accomplishments

Paul's second marathon in 2 months

The whole house trained, and ran, a 5K

Cried with the frustrations of failures (ours and theirs!)

 Lost some sleep

Gained new friends

6 baby girls born at Gateway within 8 months

Learned more about ourselves...

And more about God...

And His faithfulness.  Because none of this could have been done if God was not in the middle of it.

And if all else fails, I pray that the 50+ kids whom we have served and loved under the roof of Cypress House know that God loves them and that they have learned that Jesus has already made the path to find Him and true, everlasting Freedom and Hope.

"And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
John 8:32

*Pictures used with permission


  1. Love this. I have been reflecting too, as I hit 5 years on Sunday with you guys!


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