December Lookback

December is notorious for being the month that I have to empty my camera card due to excessive amounts of pictures.

Between family get togethers and beautiful snow and twinkling Christmas lights, well, it's not too hard to get carried away.

I won't put you through the hundreds of pictures I did take, but will leave you with a few choice picks.
 Putting up the tree at Cypress.  I sat back and let them do the work.  It. was...interesting.

 And then setting up the little tree in our little apartment.  Again, let the children dictate the placement of ornaments.  I'm making baby steps in my fight against perfectionism.

 Most of the sprinkles did not make it on the cookies.

 At one point in time everyone tried on the tutus made by Grandma.  Everyone.

 This child.  Life at a blur.

 Loving being home from school on break.  Snow and tower building!

 The Christmas mustache.  Actually kinda liked it...

 Walking in the woods.  Shhhhh

 Happy Birthday, Jesus!

 We have such wonderful co-workers (and good gift givers, too!)

 Steffen Christmas.  Everything didn't quite go as planned, but we went with the flow and enjoyed ourselves despite some "circumstances."

"Mommy, take a picture of me with my baby! I'm a mommy, too!"

And now January is here and we in to a new year.  This year is already looking full of change and growth and stretching.  But that is where God can really work.  

And show His glory 

And all His awesomeness.

Love it.  Bring it on.


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