September Lookback

Well, September, you flew right on by.  I realized today that it is October the 4th.  4 days into the next month.  Yikes.  Sorry, I didn't even say goodbye...

We had some ups.  We had some downs.  But every month gives us that.  I won't hold that against you.  You gave us some last hurrah's of summer.  A few record breaking 90 degree days.

You gave us gorgeous sun rises.  And some beautiful moonscapes.

I appreciate the learning moments.  Like how incredibly important prayer is.  And how we humans underestimate it all. 



Thankful for praying friends and family.

And most of all, thankful for my God.  Because, well, even you, September, wouldn't be possible without Him.

 Grabill Days:  Pie eating contests and sack races.  I've been coming to this fair since I was Hannah's age.  And each year I think I love it more.  
Despite the looks on their faces, they enjoyed the pie...I think.
 Maddie took 3rd place in the 3+4 year old division...
 ...and Owen took 2nd in his!
 Hannah, our creator, with a robot she built for Owen.  Not sure about the pirate face she's making...
 Maddie loves to "clean" the windows.  1 part windex, 9 parts water to conserve the stuff
 Sigh.  Yet another goodbye.  We miss you, Maria!
 Seriously gorgeous sunrise caught right outside our back door.  When looking out the window I noticed everything had a bright pink tint.  I stepped outside and found out why.
 And a really cool moonrise the next evening
 Maddie had a chance to go with some of her buddies to the zoo.  She may already be betrothed to the little cutie beside her.  No competition from the pretty dark haired girl.  That's his cousin.
 Owen and his tree climbing. 
 Celebrating a weekend of running a 10K and then feasting at a birthday celebration

 The Suvar cousins
 And the well-loved Aunt Kat
And this.  This is the extent of my fall decorating.  

But I am OK with that.  White pumpkins just get to me.  I don't know what it is about them, but I love them.  These were volunteers that cropped up in our garden from last year's toss-outs.  How cool is that?


  1. I like the white pumpkins. And I had to comment & say that your photography is looking good, the sunrise pic is awesome : )
    Glad to hear your thoughts on prayer.


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