Sunday is race day!

Well, we are just a few days out from the BIG DAY.

Despite our injuries, we are going to run this thing.

Because of this little guy.

In years past we have run for the fun of it (yeah, I know), to get us back in shape, and even just because it gets us back to Columbus, a city we think very fondly of.

But this year, we run for Bryer.  We run for all the littles that never will get a chance to stretch those legs and run umpteen miles just because.

At least not on this side of heaven.

So on Sunday, we would appreciate prayers.

Prayers for Bryer's family as they stand at Mile 21 and courageously cheer on runners, even as their heart is sure to be breaking over the fact that their little guy is not with them.

Pray that despite the injuries, that Paul can complete the 26.2 miles successfully and well, upright.

Columbus Marathon 2009

Sunday we run in memory of Bryer.  A short life that brought much joy and love to those who knew him.

Sunday we run for God's glory.  Because He has given us these bodies that can move and freely praise Him.

Thanks to those who have supported us so far (and there is still time to give if you haven't yet!)


  1. You guys are awesome! I will be cheering you from IL on Sunday and praying for Bryer's family, too. And Paul's hair in the top picture might be one of my favorite things I've seen in a while. :) Love you guys!


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