A note to Owen, on his 7th birthday

We were rushing down the backroads, our speedometer telling us we were very much over the speed limit.  But at the state I was in, I just wanted to get there.

He was breech.  They rushed me into surgery.  Within 10 minutes of being at the hospital




And here we are 7 years later.

You bring so much good to our lives, Owen.  Your inquisitive mind.  Your desire to do the right thing. 

But we know you were not given to us to keep.

We know you were placed in our care so that you could grow up to love God.  And serve Him.  And bring His name glory.

You've done so much growing in your first 7 years and we are so excited to see you continue to grow into the man God desires you to be.

I could get all weepy and talk about how I want you to stay my little boy forever.

But you aren't, so I won't.  You are God's, and I just get to keep you for a little while.

So keep growing.  Keep learning.  Keep striving toward the Higher Goal.

We love you, Owen.

Happy Birthday.


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