When I think about freedom

This song has been going through my head today (click on the link, please.  Ignore the commercial and skip to the song. It's a good one!).  It began while I was out on my morning run.  I heard it on the radio and felt that it was a very appropriate song for today, a day we celebrate our liberty.

This country isn't quite what it was when we first celebrated our independence.  In some ways we've improved, but in many ways we have fallen away.

But God is not dead.  And He still has children left in this country.  May His church be "set on fire" and "win this nation back."  The atmosphere needs changed, the true Kingdom needs built.

May His citizens show others who Jesus really is.  So that they too may desire to be a part of this Kingdom we are striving for.

Today thank God that we still have freedom in this country, although at times it may feel like the noose of tyranny is closing in.  Thank God He is still in control and he has "determined the exact times for each of us and the exact places where we should live.  God does this so that men will seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us." (Acts 17:26-27)

Today as you celebrate freedom for this country, thank God that we all have a chance to be free from sin.

Happy Freedom Day.


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