Breaking the silence

I have been kind of quiet on here lately.  I've wanted to post something but have had several things rolling around in my brain and haven't been too sure just which topic to land on. 

Plus, I think I have had a bit of writer's block.

Plus, it is summer and I am tired.

But enough excuses.  I am back and I am going to type.

This afternoon our little kids, and our big kids, broke out the crayola and construction paper and started making cards.

Father's Day cards.

People, I did not tell them to do this.  They did it on their own volition.  I thought it was a sweet, tender moment.

Because, you see, some of these kids don't even know who, or where, their dad is.

One kid can't even remember their dad.

One is not allowed to talk to their dad until they turn 18.

One never met his dad.

But thankfully each of these kids now has someone they can call "Dad."

One is adopted, one is in foster care, another just starting the journey of foster care.  What a beautiful gift these families, these dads, are giving to these kids.

We have seen countless times how drastically affected a child's life has become when there is no father in the picture.  I understand some circumstances cannot be helped.

But that is where those 'father-figures' can step in.  Every child needs a 'dad' to look up to.

Boys need to learn how to be great men.

Girls need to learn how to be treated - and loved - by great men.

I am blessed by 3 earthly dads in my life:

My dad (of course!)

My father-in-law

My husband

Great examples of earthly fathers.  Men who care for their families, have a heart for God, and want what is best for their children.

And let's not forget our Heavenly Father.

For He is a father to all us orphans.  He wants to adopt each one of us into His great big family.
Because He cares about families, He is God, and He KNOWS what is best for His children.

For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, "Abba! Father!"  Romans 8:15

Happy Father's Day.


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