10 things I love about May

Owen graduated from Preschool!  So hard to believe that he is moving on to Kindergarten this fall.  He did not ask me if he could do this: this growing up thing.  I highly protest it and want to slow down time and have him stay like this for awhile longer.

 Mother's Day.  I have decided that I would take all the hoopla that goes with my birthday and just transfer it to Mother's Day.  I would much rather celebrate the second Sunday in May anyways.  My birthday can pass quietly by with just a nod to my mother for the sacrifice she made to get me here.
 Super Heroes.  This may be one of my most favorite pictures of my three kiddos of all times.  Ever.  Owen with his most precious blanket, Hannah with a baby afghan (did i spell that right?), and Maddie with a handkerchief.  All their idea, all their own poses. All I did was tie the knots and snap the picture.  Love how their personalities are shown quite clearly.
 Running a 5K race with Paul and our 5 resident teenagers.  It was an awesome sight seeing these 5 kids, who are mostly known for doing things wrong, see something good through to the end.  They all trained and they all stuck with it.  A few of them even took home 2nd and 3rd places in their age groups!
 The zoo!  I was most wonderfully given a family pass to the Ft Wayne Zoo for my birthday.  Looking forward to many trips to the zoo this summer.  Love seeing God's humor and creativity in all the creatures He has made.
 Field Day at Gateway.  The local homeschool group puts on a field day at Gateway Campus and lets the residents and houseparent kids participate.  Owen and Hannah were a part of it this year, taking home some red and white ribbons for various events.  Owen ran the mile, placing second, and completed it in 11 minutes and 5 seconds.  Maddie tagged along and even ran (unofficially) the 50 and 100 meter dash.
 Siblings helping siblings.  Without protest from Maddie, Hannah brushed her teeth one night before bed.  I was so shocked but managed to get a picture.
 Memorial Day.  Spent with our family of 11.  A little work, a little sprinkler action to cool off, and a picnic to end the day.
 Cypress House trip.  48 hours of residents all the time.  Good attitudes were had all around.  Thank you, Jesus.
A 2 year old who looks up to her brother and sister.  She had a stretch of days where she always wore Owen's shoes and had to have Hannah's helmet on.  Love.  Had to kiss those cheeks she is so stinkin cute.

Thank you, May, you wore me out, but taught me much. 

Now, June, let's see what you have in store.


  1. what a great month in review ( : I love the picture of your kids in superhero capes!


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