Joshua 1:9

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged,
for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

This was part of the morning sermon this morning and I felt the words were spoken directly to me. On the eve of a new direction in our lives, I find comfort in the fact that our God is always in control. I was reminded, that of all the things that are unsure in life, God is sure. He never changes and He will do what He says. Something I already knew, but a great reminder.

We start our training in the morning and will do this for 2 weeks. We will begin working at Gateway at the beginning of February. Both Grandmas will get some quality grandchildren time since they will be the sole babysitters (thank you, moms!)


  1. it's so cool that this was in the sermon for you. i think it would have made me cry. praying for you guys.

  2. Nicole,
    I hope it's okay that I post on your blog. I felt the same way with the message on Sunday morning. It's exactly what I feel the Lord has been working on in my heart over the past several months (with our business, etc.). In fact, I got up one night and had to journal about what was going on in my head and heart. It was the very chapter and verses that ministered to us this past Sunday. God has such neat ways of affirming His work in our lives!
    ~ Lorelei


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