Moving on...

Well, our two weeks of training are complete and we are moving into our first round of being on duty come next Monday night. Both Paul and I are looking forward to it. We know it's going to be hard, but then, we know we didn't sign up for a picnic, either : ) Many thanks to both our moms for watching Owen and Hannah these last 2 weeks - they definitely enjoyed their "Neenaw" time and we appreciate the help! We are going to sleep over in the Grabill house (that is how we refer to it for Owen's sake) tomorrow night and hopefully be fully moved in by next Saturday (we can live a week without furniture, right? : ) Many thanks to all of you who have kept us in our prayers and who continue to do so! : )

Now, kid updates for those who want to know. Hannah is mobile now and gets around mostly by the walrus flop (picture how a walrus moves around, yeah, that's Hannah). She is starting to imitate Owen and gets a kick out of him all the time. Owen is working on potty training and is doing great with it (knock on wood). I'm not going to say much more on that so i don't jinx myself. Owen is also starting to write his own name. This is something we've worked loosely on with him over the past months but was reinforced by Grandma in the last day or so and he picked up on it fairly well. He is saying more and more and continues to entertain us and crack us up. I don't have any recent pictures downloaded on the computer at the moment but when I get a chance to post a new pic - I will : )


  1. Yay, an update! Glad to hear everything has been going well and that Owen and Hannah are (so far) adjusting...God is good! Still thinking and praying for you! Love yous!

  2. thanks for the fun update. i'll be praying for you. and i have to see the walrus flop. maybe tomorrow? :)


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