Bringing you up to date...

Well, since my last post a lot has happened, which is the reason i haven't posted in awhile : ) We had an ice storm (which thankfully we only lost power for 6 hours), went to Michigan for the Steffen Christmas and drove home in a 'blizzard' (a lot of wind and snow!), did some work around the house (Owen enjoyed helping Paul), had our own Christmas, then one at my mom and dad's, and then to Illinois for the Gramm Christmas. This all happened in one week's time, but then you know how it is... : ) It was great to see everyone, although Owen was showing the fatigue after 4 straight days without a nap. Now we start our adventure at Gateway in one week and I literally have one box packed and it has picture frames in it. We will be kinda moving in stages since we will still be living in our Antwerp house as we go through training but then living in Grabill the following week when we start work at Gateway. People ask me when we are moving and I have to tell them I have no clue and it kinda stresses me out. My apologies to those who have left phone messages and I have never called you back (you know who you are!) and a special thanks to all who are keeping us in your thoughts and prayers as we go through this time of transition. We are excited to start but still unsure of so many things. I compare it to becoming parents for the first time: you are excited and nervous and you kinda know what you are getting into, but you really don't know what you are getting in to!


  1. Love the pictures! We'll be thinking of you and praying for you in the coming weeks...excited to hear how it all goes! :) Love you guys!



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